credit Benjamin Egger

Satan is taboo. The fallen angel is the symbol of evil par excellence. The supposedly ominous figure is still used today to enforce moral concepts. What is framed as evil and what is framed as good, however, cannot be determined so clearly. It is worth taking a closer look at evil and at those who define it as such.

In SANE SATAN, the third and final part of the IN PRAISE OF VULNERABILITY trilogy, Vittucci uses humour to examine the stories and images that warn us so vehemently about the devil. Like Maria in HATE ME, TENDER, who debunks the myth of the ‘hymen’ as a warrior of vulnerability, and Eva in DOOM, who is able to free herself from an imposed value system thanks to curiosity, Teresa and her team in SANE SATAN search for a new, queer-feminist reading of this dazzling figure in our cultural history. Seductive, monstrous, and trapped in the prevailing structures: Satan has the potential to be an accomplice for all those who are devalued, excluded, and oppressed because of their otherness. This defiant power of the figure of Satan, who comes to light in their role as outsider, critic and, last but not least, as a gender ambiguous figure, paves the way for new perspectives on common moral concepts.

conception, direction, text Teresa Vittucci
performance Alina Arshi and Teresa Vittucci
dramaturgy, text, video Benjamin Egger
dramaturgical support Lea Moro
stage and light design Anna Wohlgemuth
light design, technical direction Anahí Pérez
choreographic and material assistance Emma Bertuchoz and Emmeliin Chemouny
inventor Gabriel Schneider
music Gil Schneider

partially developed with and special thanks to Henry Browne and Deborah Macauley

production management Diana Paiva / high expectations
diffusion Jérôme Pique
administration Karin Erdmann
a production by OH DEAR! Zürich

co-produced by Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Arsenic Lausanne, Tanzhaus Zürich, Charleroi danse DCCN, La Briqueterie CDCN, Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève, Dampfzentrale Bern

co-production in residency O Espaço do Tempo, La Briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de-Marne (supported by the French ministry of Culture / DRAC IDF)

kindly supported by RESO Dance Network Switzerland, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Pro Helvetia, Stiftung Anne-Marie Schindler, Landis & Gyr Stiftung, Prix Tremplin Leenaards / La Manufacture

with the support of the Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA)

special thanks to Belluard Bollwerk Festival Fribourg and Studio CUTE